The FlipIt Coaching Framework

ReThink The Way You Think

A Coaching Framework created specifically for ICA Students & Graduates

Change your life. Change the lives of others.

The way we see the world can affect how we experience the world. It also affects how we manage change. Changes we want to make, changes we need to make and changes happening to us. If our lens is negative, our view of life could lean towards unhappiness and discontent. If our lens is positive we are more likely to experience satisfaction, gratitude, happiness, confidence and pride.

The FlipIt Coaching Framework, incorporating the ICA Coaching Power Tools, takes your learning beyond the classroom, with an incredibly powerful 4 step process for change you can use with your clients (or family and friends).



The FlipIt Coaching Framework is included in all ICA Coach Training Programs including Level 1 and 2 ICF Accredited Study and our short courses.with both an online platform for zoom or online coaching, and a physical pack for F2F events.

The concept of 'reframing' a negative perspective to a positive perspective is central to our coaching training curriculum at ICA because often a simple shift in perspective can have quite dramatic results for clients.

This 4 step process will help move someone from where they are now, to where they want to be. It's a simpleto use tool that can be used by certified coaches with clients, teams or individuals in the workplace, or with family and friends around the kitchen table.  The intent being to help someone identify where or why they are stuck, what they want or need, and then how to move forward to achieve their goals.

  • Bring Creativity

    FlipIt uses images and coaching cards to lift you out of our current context. It’s fun, it’s friendly and it opens possibility.

  • Responsibility

    Everyone loves the ‘blame’ game, but FlipIt helps you stand in a new place when looking at your challenges.

  • Shift Thinking

    By identify your negative or disempowering perspectives with the ICA Power Tools, you can re-think the way you think.

  • Action

    Coaching doesn’t happen without action. FlipIt finishes with a flipped perspective, and a list of actions to make sure the change occurs.

Individual or Group

FlipIt works well with individuals and groups. The number or arrangement of people doesn't matter, the same 4 step process can be used to bring about change.

FlipIt is based on the premise that the way we see our world is a choice. The same event can happen to two different people and they will respond in completely different ways.

The FlipIt toolkit has been designed to be used online or face to face.  It can be used in a group setting, with clients, or around the kitchen table with family and friends.

What Sort Of Coach Will You Be?

The one thing that all coaches have in common is that they feel a natural talent or desire to create positive change in their lives, or the lives of others.  But, within this profession, there are many different niches and applications.  Take our quick quiz to find out what sort of coach you will be.

'Who will you be as a Coach' Quiz